Thursday, April 10, 2008

error installing DB2 Express-C 9.1 on Centos-5.1

I was getting this error while executing the ./db2_install program.

The following library files could not be loaded by db2langdir in
/home/Owner/Desktop/exp/disk1/db2/Linux/install/.. /bin

This fixed it:

yum -y install compat-libstdc++-33

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

DB2 health check in Boston

I recently was sent to Boston for a DB2 Health Check on a version 7 database running on a Windows Cluster. Their database was tuned sufficiently for their app. I made the following recommendations to ease their pain points:
Spread tablespaces containers across multiple containers.
Regularly schedule utilities Reorg and Runstats.
Decrease backup time by using Incremental backups during the week and full backups on weekends.
Rather than copying backup images to a file share, backup directly to the fileshare using the UNC path in the backup command. Like this:
db2 backup db sample to \\server\db2share

Easy enough: Here I am at the Boston Garden!